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Back-to-School Registration is open for the 2024-25 school year!

Posted Date: 7/29/24 (9:00 PM)

Dear Carthage Tiger Parents and Guardians,

Believe it or not, it’s time to start thinking about Back-to-School plans. Beginning in January, Carthage R-9 began working to move away from paper/pencil enrollments for new students to the district and to allow for online enrollment. We’ve made positive strides in that area and are happy to report that we are fully operational. The next step in the process is to allow parents/guardians of existing students to complete Back-to-School paperwork online. 

No longer will each of your students need to bring home stacks of papers, each requiring a separate signature. Rather, parents/guardians can go to their Infinite Campus Parent Portal and update all traditional paperwork there. 

We hope this is a positive move for our school community and that it makes updates for families all the easier. As a reminder - all paperwork STILL has to be updated by parents/guardians annually. This is just a more efficient way to do it. 

For instructions as to how to fill out your child’s Back-to-School paperwork, please see the information below.

  1. To fill out your student’s Back-to-School registration and paperwork, visit the Parent Portal on Infinite Campus through the steps below:


      1. Log in to the portal under "Campus Parent"


  2. If your student is a NEW ENROLLMENT to Carthage R-9 Schools

    1. If filling out enrollment forms off-site (using a home computer, phone, etc.):


    2. If filling out enrollment forms at the Welcome Center:


  3. If you DO NOT have a Parent Portal

    1. parents/guardians need to fill out the attached document  - “Infinite Campus Portal Request Form” - for all members of the household and return it (deliver, email, scan, etc.) to ANY of the students’ school buildings.  

This process will save parents, guardians, and school personnel time and effort, not to mention reams and reams of paper. We appreciate your assistance and grace as we look to upgrade our systems. 

We look forward to a great school year.